Hormones and Blood Glucose Control (Video)

In the past, I have created an article about Type 1 Diabetes and Puberty. I thought this would be an important topic to cover because all of the variables in...

In the past, I have created an article about Type 1 Diabetes and Puberty. I thought this would be an important topic to cover because all of the variables in a diabetic’s life that can effect his/her blood glucose levels can be scary. However, educating yourself on these variables can go a long way in reducing fear; after all one of the scariest of all fears is the fear of the unknown. I hope this video will act as somewhat of a sequel to the article I mentioned previously and give you a better understanding of the science behind Hormones and Blood Glucose.

This video series is hosted by Michael Stevens on TheDiabetesDownload. If you really like Michael Stevens, he as a Youtube channel Vsause where he talks about various scientific topics.

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